PayPay repeals its policies of censoring legal fiction at Smashwords. Somewhat questionable but not illegal love shall be censored no more!
Darth Vader leaves the Empire. In his terms, the Empire isn't taking Vader's interests and talents seriously anymore, nor do they have their priorities straight:
"throttling people with your mind continues to be sidelined in the way the firm operates and thinks about making people dead."
The SF/F magazine Beneath Ceaseless Skies is giving away two copies of George R.R. Martin's tribute anthology Songs of the Dying Earth, signed by Mr. Martin. Rules to enter.
Chrystall Thoma writes about The Dangerous Task of Writing a Sequel. Lions and tigers and -- two bears? -- oh my!
And lastly, it was seventy years ago yesterday that the first human life was saved with penicillin, an antibiotic discovered accidentally by Alexander Fleming in 1928.