I did this in 2011 and I think there were only 400ish. Though I could be off in that number. But I'm glad the challenge is growing, it's a fun and creative idea that encourages bloggers to keep doing what they already do (blogging) and provides an easy framework to write within:
For every day of April (excepting Sundays), you write one blog post that starts with a letter of the alphabet. April 1 is A. April 2 is B. April 3 is C ... and so on.
I know some people treat it like a blog hop or campaigner challenge, trying to visit and follow every single blog on the list -- and if that's what you want to do, more power to you. But I'm really much more interested in it as a means of making myself write 26 blog posts in a month.
A few months back on Kelda Crich's blog, she got talking about choosing a theme for your A to Z challenge. I realized that a theme (and some pre-planning) might be what I need to make it through the whole month.
I ... erm ... failed last time.
So in 2012 I'll be blogging A to Z about my favorite book series. Mostly science fiction and fantasy, but with some other genres thrown in. I have a plan for every letter already! Every letter except Y, that is.
Anyone got any Y book series ideas? I've gotten creative with other letters, sometimes using the series title, sometimes a book title, the author's name, or a prevalent element or character's name.