Thursday, November 03, 2011

NaNoWriMo: Dangerous Decisions

I've made what may amount to a dangerous NaNoWriMo decision: the three day writing week.

I have a semi-traditional schedule in that I work 40 hours or more per week, but I work most of that over just four days (with occasional exceptions). This means that I spend a chunk of the week wearing myself thin, then a chunk being cranky, and a third chunk recovering from the wear and crankiness. The end result is that I've decided to write my NaNoWriMo novel over only the three days each week when I am in my non-work-for-paycheck recovery mode.

Or, in lay terms, I've not yet started writing.

This could be brilliant -- a clear cut separation between work and play that doesn't muddy the waters or attempt to spread out the pain.  Or it could be a death knell -- an insurmountable task to write 50,000 words in fourteen days instead of thirty days. (Isn't it nifty how Thanksgiving added in all those non-working days for me? Nifty nifty nif -- yeah, I really should think of a different word but can't.)

How's progress?

Highly Recommended