Friday, August 28, 2015

Cover designer, too . . . ?

I tend to think of myself was an editor, writer, and fangirl -- and coffee addict, let's not forget the all important coffee! -- before I think of myself as an artist or graphic artist or cover art designer or anything remotely thus. But the truth of the matter is that I've designed roughly 93% of the approximately 30 covers published as paperbacks and ebooks by World Weaver Press and Red Moon Romance. Of course, I've had generous help from illustrators and photographers -- amateurs,  pros, and those who offer their work as stock art.

Recently I had the pleasure of working with a local photographer, using his infrared cornfield photography as the starting place for the cover of Scarecrow. But as you can see from the original photo and the cover of Scarecrow, one of the more obvious things I did as designer was to redraft the sky. In this case, I imposed the sky of a completely different image over the top of the infrared corn field and then married the two. Since all color in IR is false color, I gave it a hand to become as vibrant and dramatic as needed for a bookcover.
Final cover art for SCARECROW anthology.
"Red Corn" Copyright Dan Wiedbrauk of Used with permission

More of Dan Wiedbrauk's photography can be found on Flickr, and if you're interested in infrared or macro photography, he regularly talks technical process on his blog,

Most recently, I've been responsible for the designs of ScarecrowCorvidaeDemons Imps and Incubi, Fractured Days, Far Orbit Apogee, and Skye Falling.  See more pretty covers: Read More . . .

Pre-made cover art available for purchase in Spring 2016. eBook Formatting and Interior Paperback Layout services available now.

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