Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Awesomely Bad Book Covers

The best worst book covers in Sci-Fi and Fantasy can be found at this blog.

I don't mean to steal their thunder, but I know no other way to easily give you my commentary on some of these gems other than to steal their thunder and reproduce several of the images on this blog.

Obviously, my idea for a novel featuring a flying avocado-flamingo hybrid is not as original as I thought.

What disturbs me most about this, oddly enough, is that the man-lion gets a cup but the human does not. Obviously, the human is going to end up curled in a ball at the end of this fight. The snake? The snake's too non-sequitur to disturb. Sorry.

Behold the power of two strategically placed herons -- because fig leaves are so Old Testament.

Anyone else note a resemblance to Dave Navvaro in this one?

See more.

Highly Recommended