Friday, December 11, 2009

Survival Mode

Today I had 15 student conferences.

More papers to comment on tonight and email back to students. I picked up short story reading from the magazine's slush pile as well. I want to finish ten submissions tonight so that I can pick up ten more when I go into the office tomorrow.

Yes, into the office on Saturday.

I've spent the past week walking to school because walking, no matter how cold or slippery, seemed safer and faster than driving there.

I've done absolutely zero Christmas shopping.

The conferences end on Monday. The grading will end in 11 days when semester ends.

Assuming I make it to Wednesday, I can get my swine flu vaccination.

In preparation for the nasty winter storm I knew was going to hit, I went grocery shopping Monday and did a great job preparing meals that I could eat for the entire week without return trips for supplies.

Four days later, supplies are running low.

I will have to dig out my car on Saturday and venture forth on the not-so-clear roads to the grocery store.And , even if the roads are fine, the parking lots will get ya. Given Michigan's economic situation, businesses, as well as the state/city government, have been cutting back the amount of money they spend on snow removal. We still get the same amount of snow, we just can't afford to remove it.

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